What is the disadvantage of using decision tree in capital budgeting? (2024)

What is the disadvantage of using decision tree in capital budgeting?

Disadvantages include: uncertain values can lead to complex calculations and uncertain outcomes; decision trees are unstable, and minor data changes can lead to major structure changes; information gain in decision trees can be biased; and decision trees can often be relatively inaccurate.

What are the disadvantages of decision tree?

8 Disadvantages of Decision Trees
  • Prone to Overfitting. ...
  • Unstable to Changes in the Data. ...
  • Unstable to Noise. ...
  • Non-Continuous. ...
  • Unbalanced Classes. ...
  • Greedy Algorithm. ...
  • Computationally Expensive on Large Datasets. ...
  • Complex Calculations on Large Datasets.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of decision trees?

However, decision trees also have some disadvantages. They can be prone to overfitting and instability, especially when using greedy, top-down induction methods . Decision trees generated by these methods may be overgrown and less reliable .

What are the disadvantages of information gain in decision trees?

What are the disadvantages of Information Gain? Information gain is defined as the reduction in entropy due to the selection of a particular attribute. Information gain biases the Decision Tree against considering attributes with a large number of distinct values, which might lead to overfitting.

What is the biggest weakness of decision tree?

- Prone to overfitting: Complex decision trees tend to overfit and do not generalize well to new data.

What is the problem using decision tree?

Disadvantages of the Decision Tree:
  • The decision tree contains lots of layers, which makes it complex.
  • It may have an overfitting issue, which can be resolved using the Random Forest algorithm.
  • For more class labels, the computational complexity of the decision tree may increase.
Aug 20, 2023

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the decision tree?

  • Advantages of Decision Trees. Interpretability. Less Data Preparation. Non-Parametric. Versatility. Non-Linearity.
  • Disadvantages of Decision Tree. Overfitting. Feature Reduction & Data Resampling. Optimization.
Oct 1, 2022

What is a common disadvantage of decision trees choose all that apply?

 They can create over - complex trees that do not generalize well.  They cannot handle categorical data.  They cannot handle numerical data.  They require extensive data preprocessing.

What is the disadvantage of decision?

However, individual decision making can also have some drawbacks. These include limiting the diversity of ideas and information, reducing the acceptance and commitment of stakeholders, and increasing the risk and responsibility for the decision maker.

What is the main disadvantage of decision trees Mcq?

9. Choose a disadvantage of decision trees among the following. Answer - C) Decision trees are prone to overfitting.

Why are decision trees weak?

It is important to note that decision trees are weak learners when shallow and, in ensemble models, trees are kept intentionally shallow. A standalone tree can be a strong learner if allowed to grow complex enough.

Which kind of problem are decision trees most suitable for?

Decision trees are most suitable for tabular data. The outputs are discrete. Explanations for decisions are required. The training data may contain errors.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of decision trees factor analysis?

Explanation: Allowing a decision tree to split to a granular degree makes decision trees prone to learning every point extremely well to the point of perfect classification that is overfitting.

What is the disadvantage of decision trees decision trees are robust to outliers?

Decision Trees are generally robust to outliers. However, as the Decision Tree becomes more overfitted to a training dataset, the model will become more affected by outliers.

What are the limits of decision tree?

Limitations of Decision Trees

Overfitting: Decision trees can easily overfit the training data if not pruned or limited in depth, leading to poor generalization of unseen data. Instability: Small changes in the training data can lead to significantly different decision trees, affecting the model's robustness.

What is the drawback of decision trees select the correct answer?

Choose a disadvantage of decision trees among the following. Answer - C) Decision trees are prone to overfitting.

Which of the following is one of the main issues of decision trees?

One of the main problems of the decision tree is overfitting.

What are the disadvantages of tree diagram?

Possible disadvantages could be:
  • Depending on the form of representation, there is information that is interpreted independently of the representation. ...
  • Even if the representation is simple, the more information is visualised in a tree diagram, the more confusing the whole thing becomes.

What are the disadvantages of decision table?

Disadvantages Of Decision Tables: Decision tables do not show the flow of logic for the solution to a given problem. Decision table cannot list all alternatives. Not easy to translate it. Impose an additional burdens.

What does a decision tree tell you?

A decision tree is a map of the possible outcomes of a series of related choices. It allows an individual or organization to weigh possible actions against one another based on their costs, probabilities, and benefits.

What is the main disadvantage of using a decision tree or random forest for regression problems compared to other regression models?

One of the biggest drawbacks of the decision tree algorithm is that it is prone to overfitting. This means that the model is overly complex and has high variance. A model like this will have high training accuracy but will not generalize well to other datasets.

What are 3 types of disadvantages?

  • Traditional.
  • Linear.
  • Brink.
  • Political.

What are the disadvantages of decision-making models?

However, the drawbacks of this model are that it can be time-consuming, costly, and unrealistic. It can also ignore the human and social factors that influence decision making, such as intuition, creativity, values, and emotions.

What are the disadvantages of decision-making tools?

Decision-making tools are not perfect or foolproof and have some challenges and limitations that you should be aware of. For example, they can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, requiring a lot of data, analysis, and calculation.

Are decision trees lazy learners?

Methods like decision trees fall under eager learning as they require model construction upfront, whereas methods like k-NN belong to lazy learning as they defer model creation.


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

Last Updated: 20/03/2024

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